

Page history last edited by Heiner Wolf 15 years, 4 months ago

Structured pages, outlining ideas for microsyntax, with forum for discussion, and use cases.


The workflow here is that people will create new proposals, and others will add comments to those proposals, allowing the authors of the proposals to refine their thoughts. Rather than directly editing others proposals -- which PBworks makes possible -- let's try to make the conversations visible in the comment threads of the various proposals.


June 2009, Geoslash location syntax, Stowe Boyd

June 2009, Subtags, Stowe Boyd

June 2009, Ellipses For Continued Messages, Stowe Boyd

June 2009, RTip, Guillaume Lebleu

June 2009, Geohash, Cody Marx Bailey & Gustavo Niemeyer

June 2009 (from Blog post of July 2008) Triple Tags, Andy Mabbett

June 2009, Tag Synonyms, Stowe Boyd

June 2009, LinkedList, Nitin Borwankar ( @nitin )

June 2009, Language selection, Carl Morris

June 2009, ReTweet Original Author Identification, Christoph Wagner (@CWagner)

July 2009, Date syntax, Ben Clemens

July 2009, Ratings, Ben Clemens

July 2009, AD For Sponsored Posts, Stowe Boyd

July 2009, ! for Urgent or Time-Sensitive Posts, Brian Fountain

Sept 2009, Twitter Microtagging = Personal Tags, Heiner Wolf (@wolfspelz)

Comments (3)

Zhami said

at 1:48 pm on Jun 5, 2009

I propose the use of two adjacent exclamation marks surrounded by white space (e.g. !! ) to indicate "priority." Presently, Twitter is (nearly) completely ephemeral. Twitter clients could recognize tweets that contain !! and hold them until viewed. Of course, to avoid spam or overuse, an app could allow configurability in regard to how to handle.

Stowe Boyd said

at 2:06 pm on Jun 5, 2009

Zhami - Could you write up, copying the format I used in the examples above? You need to edit the Proposals page, and add a new page with the name 'Priority indicator' or something.

emsenn said

at 9:10 am on Jun 6, 2009

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